Are You Helping Your Grandparents De-Clutter? 3 Signs That Their House Has Termites

Posted on: 23 November 2017

After accumulating a lifetime of belongings, senior adults sometimes reach a point where they are ready to begin reducing the amount of things they have around their home. While helping your grandparents de-clutter is a great way to promote safety and better organization, you should also be aware that moving things around could reveal more problems than you expected. Use these tips to keep a watchful eye for termites so that you can help your grandparents protect their property: [Read More]

Say No To Mice This Holiday Season: How To Get Rid Of The Rodents In Your Life

Posted on: 31 October 2017

With the holidays just around the corner, you're going to be inviting a lot of guests into your home. Before you open your doors, however, make sure you don't have uninvited guests making an entry at the same time. The last thing you want is to have your home overrun with mice while you're trying to enjoy the holidays. Unfortunately, mice don't always take no for an answer. In fact, they may even take your no as an excuse to try even harder. [Read More]

2-Step Guide To Using A Homemade Treatment To Keep Termites Away From Your Old Wooden Deck's Posts

Posted on: 13 October 2017

If you have an old wooden deck on the back of your house, you may worry that the untreated posts could become infested with termites. If so, use the following guide to naturally protect and treat your old wooden deck's posts from a termite invasion: Step 1:  Clear Away All Debris and Dead Vegetation Before you start applying your homemade treatment, the first step involves clearing away all debris and dead vegetation around your posts. [Read More]

How To Keep Skunks Out Of Your Garden

Posted on: 21 September 2017

While skunks are not like other pests in that they likely won't take up residence within your home, cause structural damage to your furniture or cover your skin with bites, they can still be a fairly large nuisance due to the awful smell that they can spray. If you notice that you have skunks in your yard or garden, there are a few steps that you can take to encourage them to move elsewhere. [Read More]