Five Tips For Keeping Flies Out Of Your Home

Posted on: 12 July 2017

Probably the most annoying pest to come into your home are house flies. These pesky insects make it difficult to get things done around the house, especially eat and cook since flies gravitate toward  food. To help avoid this problem in your home, here are five tips to keep the flies out: Keep the Trash Sealed: All trash cans in your home should have a lid. Flies like to land in trash and even lay eggs there. [Read More]

Spring Into Action: How To Get Rid Of Springtails

Posted on: 14 June 2017

If you notice tiny, cream to light brown, wingless, jumping insects in your home, they may be springtails. Springtails, or snow fleas, like to swarm in moist environments such as bathrooms, swimming pools, and kitchens. They take their name from the body mechanism that helps them jump long distances. They are no threat to humans, but they can be a minor nuisance to plants. A swarm of springtails resembles a large ball or fabric swatch. [Read More]

Got Cockroaches? Kill Them With Coffee

Posted on: 31 May 2017

If you have a small cockroach infestation in your house and have ever left grounds in your coffeemaker overnight, you may have inadvertently discovered that they are drawn to coffee. If so, use their attraction to the grounds to your advantage by using the guide below to make a cockroach-killing coffee can death trap. What You Will Need Before you begin making your cockroach trap, gather the ingredients and supplies listed below. [Read More]

Dealing With Termites

Posted on: 21 May 2017

There are all sorts of different types of pests that can try to make a living in your home. You can deal with rodents or insects. One common type of pest that can do a lot of damage is a termite. Termites like to get into the frame of the home because it is made from wood. If there is a termite problem in your home it needs to be dealt with very quickly. [Read More]