How To Keep Skunks Out Of Your Garden

Posted on: 21 September 2017

While skunks are not like other pests in that they likely won't take up residence within your home, cause structural damage to your furniture or cover your skin with bites, they can still be a fairly large nuisance due to the awful smell that they can spray. If you notice that you have skunks in your yard or garden, there are a few steps that you can take to encourage them to move elsewhere. [Read More]

3 Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas

Posted on: 2 September 2017

If you walk into your new house and have a flea jump on you, you may not think much of it. After all, it's only one little flea. The problem is, though, that if you see one, you probably have hundreds. Fleas are sneaky, and they often stay hidden until their preferred food source walks by. That's not you, that's your cat or dog. Fleas will lay eggs in your carpet, which can hatch even if you've gotten rid of all the adult fleas. [Read More]

Gear Up And Fight Off An Impending Army Of Rodents In Your Bakery

Posted on: 15 August 2017

It's the wonderful aroma of fresh bread wafting through the facility, the tiny tidbits of sweet stuff scattered throughout, and the mouth-watering range of foods that make your bakery a prime location for rodents. All those wonderful things that you love about your place of business, from the sweet little sprinkles you dash on the cupcakes to the enticing smells that attract customers, are just as much attractive to pests. Unfortunately, this can mean keeping mice and rats away will become a never-ending process. [Read More]

Top 4 Reasons You Need To Leave Bed Bug Treatment To The Professionals

Posted on: 26 July 2017

While bed bugs mainly target human hosts, they can also annoy your pets. These parasites bite their hosts, usually during the evening hours when you've dozed off for the night. As a result of the bites, individuals will develop itchy bumps. Before deciding on a bed bug treatment plan, it is important to identify the insects. The University of Minnesota Extension states that bed bugs are 1/4 to 3/8-inch long, oval in shape, brown in color, and lack any wings. [Read More]