Got A Bat? Tips For Taking Care Of This Batty Problem

Posted on: 28 July 2015

If you have seen a bat flying around your home at night, this can be very scary. Even though the chance is small, the bat could have rabies, which is dangerous for you and your family. If you have seen a bat in your home, below are some tips on getting it out. Capture the Bat You can try to capture the bat yourself. If you have seen it in one room, close the room up so it cannot get into other parts of your home. [Read More]

4 Things You Need To Know about Freeze Treating Bed Bugs

Posted on: 9 June 2015

Bed bugs are a challenging pest for homeowners to get rid of, and there are many different methods that people use to try to banish them, like pesticides and heat. Freeze treating can also work, and here's what you need to know about the process: How cold does it need to be to kill bed bugs? Bed bugs are resistant to cold weather and can survive in temperatures as cold as -25°C (-13 ºF) for short periods of time. [Read More]

When An Ant Problem Is No Picnic

Posted on: 19 May 2015

If you have an ant problem invading your home, you will want to work fast in removing them so they do not multiply in number. Ants literally come out of the woodwork in the springtime, making it a prime time to take control of your home with springtime cleaning to help in removal. Here are a few methods in removing ants from your household, allowing you to enjoy your home to the fullest without having to worry about scurrying insects searching for crumbs: [Read More]

What A Homeowner Should Know About A Bed Bug Infestation

Posted on: 31 March 2015

Are you waking up with bug bites on your body after spending the night in a friend's home? The cause may stem from your friend having a bed bug infestation. Some of the pests may have gotten inside of your luggage and came home with you. In this article, learn about bed bug infestations and the money you will have to spend to get rid of them. What Should Someone Know About Bed Bugs? [Read More]