How Anyone Can Get Bed Bugs

Posted on: 18 August 2020

Contrary to popular belief, getting bed bugs isn't something that only happens to seedy motels and filthy homes. Anyone's home is susceptible to bed bugs if someone or something brings them into the home. Here are some of the various ways you can end up with bed bugs in your own home.  You bring back bed bugs on your luggage If you go on a trip and your luggage is in a location that has bed bugs (even for a short while like the truck of a taxi or hotel room), then the bugs can get in or on your luggage. [Read More]

3 Straightforward Ways To Control Bedbugs

Posted on: 22 November 2019

Bedbugs are really annoying because once they get into your home, they can be really difficult to get rid of. That is why you want to take steps in order to prevent bedbugs from getting into your home in the first place. Keeping bedbugs out of your home can be easy if you know what to do to prevent them from starting an infestation. Wash All Cloth in Your Home [Read More]

Safe Pest Control Tips For Families

Posted on: 24 July 2019

When you have little kids in your home, you need to be careful about spraying for ants or baiting cockroaches. You would not want your child to accidentally touch or end up ingesting any of the pesticides. Luckily, if you are proactive with your pest control tactics, you don't usually have to resort to chemical options. Here are some pest control safety tips for families. Keep Things Dry People often think of pests as being attracted by foods. [Read More]

Want To Steer Termites Away From Your Home? Take These 3 Actions

Posted on: 28 March 2019

While much less dramatic than fire and flood, the average American homeowner is far more likely to incur termite damage than these or any other natural disasters. In fact, according to recent information published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), termite infestations in residential housing are known to result in structural damage estimated to be in the billions of dollars each year. Although most active in areas where cold temperatures do not reach extreme levels for an extended period of time, termites have now been found in every state in the nation, except for Alaska. [Read More]